So, after being a fan for 6-7 years, I FINALLY got to see My Chemical Romance live yesterday. They were opening for Blink 182. My mum also went because she's a fan. It was so exciting. I wish they were on stage longer, but oh well.
Off the top of my head I remember they played...NaNaNaNa, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), Planetary (GO!), Give 'em Hell Kid, Helena, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Welcome to the Black Parade, Kids From Yesterday, Teenagers, and they finished with...Cancer...WTF?! I'm sorry, what kind of a closing song is that? And they didn't play either of my favorite songs from Danger Days (Save Yourself...and Bulletproof Heart). They didn't even touch the I Brought You My Bullets... album. I promise I enjoyed it though (Insert Frank: Trust me).
Hopefully I can see them when they headline. Gerard's hair was sooo pretty in the light. *fangaism* My camera sucks at concerts, so I didn't take any pictures. But I got something just as good...I got Ray, Frank, and Mikey's autograph. I had them sign my purse. <3 After they left the stage, I talked my mum into ditching the rest of the show and going to wait by MCR's tour bus. There were already some girls waiting. They were all high school girls...showing how damn old I am. I can't believe I've listened to them so long and these girls probably just discovered them in this album or two ago. Not judging, or being an elitist. Just confused about my age. XD
Oh well, less talk more pictures!...
I got Ray's first. I didn't have a good pen yet. So he used my red pen. He was very quick, and aloof. I don't think he made eye contact with anyone. I don't believe it was because he's stuck up or anything. I have always had the feeling he was kinda shy.
Frank! I swear I'm still freaking out about him. I shook his hand twice (and he had a good grip). He said my name and I could've flipped right then and there. I had to keep my cool. Didn't want him to think I was like the other dumb high school girls. And he was super polite and talkative. It was funny when he was talking to my mum and she was saying how she got into them because she was screening my cds to make sure my music was appropriate (this was when I was 14), and he was like "And you still let her listen to us?!" It was so cute. It took a while to figure out what it said, but he wrote "Monnie, Keep the Faith. xo Frank".
Mikey was another quick one. The only difference is he had a body guard? I don't know. But yeah, it's funny looking at him now. To me he just looks like a kid trying to be a grown up. He'll always be little Mikey to me. XD
After Mikey, they all left. It sounded like Gerard left from another door. I'm super sad I didn't get to meet him. But I understand, he's the lead singer after all. He'd get jumped. Not gonna lie though, I would've hugged him if I could. Some of the other girls were super bitchy about it though. Whatever, I'm sorry but Gerard, and the rest of the band for that matter don't owe YOU anything. Bitch.
I did make one new friend at least. I don't normally like teenagers, but she was pretty cool for being 15. She wasn't an idiot like the rest, and she kinda reminded me of myself at that age.
Ughh I'm so tired. I was gonna post another entry about everything else in my life...but I don't know. I'm pretty beat from last night. Might take an nap...
Off the top of my head I remember they played...NaNaNaNa, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), Planetary (GO!), Give 'em Hell Kid, Helena, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Welcome to the Black Parade, Kids From Yesterday, Teenagers, and they finished with...Cancer...WTF?! I'm sorry, what kind of a closing song is that? And they didn't play either of my favorite songs from Danger Days (Save Yourself...and Bulletproof Heart). They didn't even touch the I Brought You My Bullets... album. I promise I enjoyed it though (Insert Frank: Trust me).
Hopefully I can see them when they headline. Gerard's hair was sooo pretty in the light. *fangaism* My camera sucks at concerts, so I didn't take any pictures. But I got something just as good...I got Ray, Frank, and Mikey's autograph. I had them sign my purse. <3 After they left the stage, I talked my mum into ditching the rest of the show and going to wait by MCR's tour bus. There were already some girls waiting. They were all high school girls...showing how damn old I am. I can't believe I've listened to them so long and these girls probably just discovered them in this album or two ago. Not judging, or being an elitist. Just confused about my age. XD
Oh well, less talk more pictures!...

After Mikey, they all left. It sounded like Gerard left from another door. I'm super sad I didn't get to meet him. But I understand, he's the lead singer after all. He'd get jumped. Not gonna lie though, I would've hugged him if I could. Some of the other girls were super bitchy about it though. Whatever, I'm sorry but Gerard, and the rest of the band for that matter don't owe YOU anything. Bitch.
I did make one new friend at least. I don't normally like teenagers, but she was pretty cool for being 15. She wasn't an idiot like the rest, and she kinda reminded me of myself at that age.
Ughh I'm so tired. I was gonna post another entry about everything else in my life...but I don't know. I'm pretty beat from last night. Might take an nap...
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