Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Everyday is Halloween

So today went better than I thought it would. I was sad because it was really cold and rainy earlier, ruining my plans to eat lunch in the cemetery with "Martin" and "Wilheim". So I went back to the dorms after class and took a nap until about 5PM.

Then I had to run some errands, and then drove around randomly to see what I could find...I found another, bigger cemetery. So I found the only mausoleum and ate McDonalds on the step while listening to the Cure's album Pornography on my car radio. Took pictures of course.

My car by my...okay Greeley's mausoleum. It was funny. There was a jogger that keep running by and staring...it was like "Don't stare! You're here too!" XD

This one kinda made me sad. I mean this part of cemetery (the children) always depresses me anyway. But the Hello Kitty made me think of my mom. We both love Hello Kitty. When she dies, which better not be for a long time! I'm gonna leave her HK's.

I just loved the placement of these two crosses. So pretty.

After the cemetery I found a closed school right down the street. It wasn't in such bad shape, it looks like it's being used for storage. The playground was pretty old and worn though.

After my wanderings, I went to JoAnns Fabrics. I got two cute skull knits, some new skeleton-hand gloves for a buck, and a pack of mini coffins. They're for treats, but I'm going to put small dolls and stuffed animals in mine. It was funny. When I was checking out, the cashier was like "Getting ready for Halloween?". I just agreed, though what I really wanted to say was "Everyday is Halloween."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A dreaded sunny day ...

So let's go where we're happy,
and I'll meet you at the cemetery gates...*

Today was my first day alone again. It was very dull. Just sat around listening to music and reading. At some point I had the urge to go to a cemetery. Hadn't gone to one in a few weeks, not since my friends Chessna, Traci, and I went on our 'goths night out' (XD) a few weeks ago, before I moved.

So I googled local cemeteries to see what was here in Ames. Turns out there's one here on the ISU campus. It was the closest one so I decided to hit it up. It wasn't much. Small, kinda cute. I took a few pictures.

A nice shot of the stones lined up.

This is probably my favorite head stone. It was beautiful, without being massive.

And this is just a pretentious, artsy nature shot. I took it when I was laying under this tree.

Sadly, things like this would be more fun if I had certain friends here. It's kinda lonely...there aren't any spooky kids on campus. But maybe I haven't found them yet.

*Cemetery Gates, by the Smiths

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Off to a bad start...

So my first week here at Iowa State was tiring. My classes are going to be a lot of work, not hard per-say, just not allowed to slack off. However this first week was almost fun. I spent a lot of time with my room-mate and old friend from Iowa Western (Community College). We went on adventures, exploded our new home, and played a ton of video games. However, apparently school and being away from home was too much for her. Yesterday she decided to drop all her classes and go home. It was a total shock. I understand her degree (biology) is a million times harder than mine (fashion design and merchandising), but to call it quits so early in the game?

She said she was just plain miserable. I don't want that for her. If she was really that sad, then she should go home. However, I'm concerned about myself now. She was the only thing keeping me from locking myself inside my dorm and being homesick. I remember my first day here, when I was moved in a whole day before her...it was the longest day ever. I don't know what I'll do now. On the bright side, I'll have a lot more alone time to do my work, sewing, and other things. However, she was my only friend here...so I'll have far more alone time than I ever wanted.

Wish me luck in this new plot turn...

Because I need a place to ramble...

I'm going through a lot of changes right now. I've gone away to college to pursue my dream of becoming a fashion designer. I've also moved into a dorm, making this my first time being away from home. Instead of a overly emotion personal diary, I've decided to document it in a not-too-personal blog, illustrating the changes in my life and re-visiting the old events.